Jewish Audio Bible
The Five Books of Moses, with Readings from the Prophets (Haftarah Cycle) and Introductions
The Jewish Audio Bible is a masterful delivery of a much loved, best-selling translation of the Five Books of Moses, with readings from the Prophets (Haftarah cycle). The Jewish Audio Bibleskillfully weaves classic Rabbinic interpretations into the translation, offering a timeless perception of the sacred text's multiple layers. Enjoy hours of inspirational learning, with this soul-stirring audio presentation by one of America's most talented voice artists.
Audio Files Inlcuded:
1-1 Bereishis
1-2 Noach
1-3 Lech Lecha
1-4 Vayeira
1-5 Chayei Sara
1-6 Toldos
1-7 Vayeitzei
1-8 Vayishlach
1-9 Vayeishev
1-10 Mekeitz
1-11 Vayigash
2-1 Shemos
2-2 Vaeira
2-3 Bo
2-4 Beshalach
2-5 Yisro
2-6 Mishpatim
2-7 Terumah
2-8 Tetzaveh
2-9 Ki Sisa
2-10 Vayakhel Pekudei
3-1 Vayikra
3-2 Tzav
3-3 Shemini
3-4 Tazria
3-5 Metzora
3-6 Acharei
3-7 Kedoshim
3-8 Emor
3-9 Behar
3-10 Bechukosai
4-1 Bamidbar
4-2 Nasso
4-3 Behaalosecha
4-4 Shelach
4-5 Korach
4-6 Chukas
4-7 Balak
4-8 Pinchas
4-9 Matos
4-10 Masei
5-1 Devarim
5-2 Vaeschanan
5-3 Eikev
5-4 Reeh
5-5 Shoftim
5-6 Ki Seitzei
5-7 Ki Savo
5-8 Netzavim
5-9 Vayielech
5-10 Haazinu
5-11 Vezos Habrachah
Haftorah Bereishis
1-1 Haftorah Bereishes
1-2 Haftorah Noach
1-3 Haftorah Lech_Lecha
1-4 Haftorah Vayeira
1-5 Haftorah Chayei_Sarah
1-6 Haftorah Toldos
1-7 Haftorah Vayeitzei
1-8 Haftorah Vayishalch
1-9 Haftorah Vayeishev
1-10 Haftorah Mikeitz
1-11 Haftorah Vayigash
1-12 Haftorah Vayechi
Haftorah Shemos
2-1 Haftorah Shemos
2-2 Haftorah Vaeira
2-3 Haftorah Bo
2-4 Haftorah Beshalach
2-5 Haftorah Yisro
2-6 Haftorah Mishpatim
2-7 Haftorah Terumah
2-8 Haftorah Tetzaveh
2-9 Haftorah Ki Sisa
2-10 Haftorah Vayakhel
2-11 Haftorah Pekudei
Haftorah Vayikra
3-1 Haftorah Vayikra
3-2 Haftorah Tzav
3-3 Haftorah Shemini
3-4 Haftorah Tazria
3-5 Haftorah Metzorah
3-6 Haftorah Acharei
3-7 Haftorah Kedoshim
3-8 Haftorah Emor
3-9 Haftorah Behar
3-10 Haftorah Bechukosai
Haftorah Bamidbar
4-1 Haftorah Bamidbar
4-2 Haftorah Naso
4-3 Haftorah Beha'aloscha
4-4 Haftorah Shelach
4-5 Haftorah Korach
4-6 Haftorah Chukas
4-7 Haftorah Balak
4-8 Haftorah Pinchas
4-9 Haftorah Matos
4-10 Haftorah Masei
Haftorah Devarim
5-1 Haftorah Devarim
5-2 Haftorah Vaeschanan
5-3 Haftorah Eikev
5-4 Haftorah Re'eh
5-5 Haftorah Shoftim
5-6 Haftorah Ki Seitzei
5-7 Haftorah Ki Savo
5-8 Haftorah Nitzavim
5-9 Haftorah Shabbos Shuvah
5-10 Haftorah Ha'azinu
5-11 Haftorah Simchas Torah
Haftorah Extras
Haftorah Chanukah 1
Haftorah Chanukah 2
Haftorah Erev Rosh Chodesh
Haftorah Shabbos Rosh Chodesh
The Bible
1 Genesis
2 Exodus
3 Leviticus
4 Numbers
5 Deuteronomy