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If Jerusalem is the Holiest Place for Jews why is not mentioned in the Torah?

If Jerusalem is the Holiest Place for Jews why is not mentioned in the Torah?

The topic of Jerusalem’s ownership often stirs debate, particularly in the context of peace in the Middle East. While the Hebrew Bible mentions Jerusalem extensively, the Torah itself does not explicitly name the city. Instead, it alludes to it as "the place that the L-rd will choose." This omission raises questions about why the Torah does not directly name Jerusalem, despite its profound significance to the Jewish people. Various explanations from Maimonides and the Rebbe offer insights, suggesting that the omission serves to protect the city from conflict and to encourage a deeper, more personal connection to the sacredness of Jerusalem. Ultimately, the true essence of Jerusalem is revealed through the mitzvot performed wherever Jews are, transforming every place into a spiritual sanctuary in anticipation of the coming of the Third Temple. Takeaways: 1. Jerusalem's Omission: The Torah does not explicitly name Jerusalem, although it is hinted at through phrases like "the place that the L-rd will choose." 2. Historical Context: The city’s holy status was recognized from early Biblical times, yet its explicit mention is absent in the Torah to prevent potential conflicts. 3. Maimonides' Insights: Jerusalem's omission could prevent conflict among nations and within the Jewish tribes themselves. 4. Spiritual Connection: The Rebbe and Baal Shem Tov teach that every place where Jews practice mitzvot can become a spiritual Jerusalem, reflecting the city’s deeper, universal significance. 5. Preparation for Redemption: By transforming our current locations into spiritual sanctuaries, we prepare ourselves and the world for the eventual coming of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. #Israel #Judaism #Jewish #IsraelWar #IsraelHamas #Torah #TorahPortion #Rebbe #chabad #Faith #BringThemHome #jewishculture #Rabbi #Spiritual #Spirituality #Jerusalem #Maimonides #Rebbe Join this channel to get access to perks:
Remembering the rest of the Verse: The True Purpose Behind Freedom | Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon

Remembering the rest of the Verse: The True Purpose Behind Freedom | Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon

The famous slogan "Let My People Go" became a rallying cry for Jews worldwide in the 1970s, advocating for the release of Soviet Jewry. However, as the Rebbe reminded us, the slogan's full meaning—"so that they may serve Me"—was often overlooked. This sermon explores the deeper significance of this missing line and the importance of spiritual liberation alongside physical freedom. Drawing parallels with Moshe Dayan's speech during the War of Attrition, the Rebbe emphasized that our strength lies not only in action but in unwavering faith that "G-d is with us," the ultimate source of courage and victory. Key Takeaways: 1. Complete the Mission: Physical freedom is essential, but it is only complete when coupled with the ability to observe Torah and mitzvot. 2. Spiritual Liberation: True freedom is achieved when Jews can live fully as Jews, celebrating traditions, and passing them on to future generations. 3. Faith Over Fear: In the face of overwhelming challenges, the Jewish people have always drawn strength from the belief that G-d is with them. 4. The Power of the Full Verse: Understanding and embracing the full context of Torah teachings strengthens our resolve and gives purpose to our actions. #Israel #Judaism #Jewish #IsraelWar #IsraelHamas #Torah #TorahPortion #Rebbe #chabad #Faith #BringThemHome #jewishculture #Rabbi #Spiritual #Spirituality Join this channel to get access to perks:
Elul & High Holidays - Our Marriage with G-d | Rabbi Bernath's Thursday Morning Class

Elul & High Holidays - Our Marriage with G-d | Rabbi Bernath's Thursday Morning Class

The 5-Step Program of Spiritual Courtship, Engagement, Marriage, Honeymoon, and Real Life: Discovering the Divine Romance in Our Lives In this sermon, Rabbi Yisroel Bernath explores the deep and mystical relationship between G-d and the Jewish people, likened to a sacred marriage. Drawing from Kabbalistic and Chassidic teachings, Rabbi Bernath delves into the spiritual phases of this divine union, paralleling it with the milestones of human relationships: courtship, engagement, marriage, honeymoon, and the day-to-day reality of married life. Through the lens of the High Holiday season, this episode offers a journey of rejuvenating our connection with G-d, culminating in the ultimate intimacy that shapes our everyday existence. Takeaways: 1. Courtship with G-d: The month of Elul as a time of divine dating, where G-d meets us in our natural state, inviting us to connect authentically. 2. Engagement Proposal: Rosh Hashanah as the moment of commitment, where G-d proposes a deeper relationship, and we respond with the cry of the Shofar. 3. Marriage Ceremony: Yom Kippur as the day of divine union, where we fast, atone, and solidify our eternal bond with G-d. 4. Celebration and Intimacy: The festivals of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah as the celebration and intimate consummation of our relationship with the Divine. 5. Real-Life Relationship: The month of Cheshvan as the time to nurture our ongoing relationship with G-d in the everyday moments, discovering the sacred in the ordinary. #Spiritual #Judaism #Jewish #HIghHolidays #RoshHashana #RoshHashanah #Yom kIppur #Kabbalah #Torah #chabad #mysticism #sukkot #simchatorah Join this channel to get access to perks:
Embracing the Broken: How Moses' Shattered Tablets Illuminate Our Path to Wholeness

Embracing the Broken: How Moses' Shattered Tablets Illuminate Our Path to Wholeness

In this sermon, we explore one of the most profound and paradoxical moments in Jewish history: Moses' decision to break the first set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Far from being a moment of defeat, this act is seen as Moses' greatest accomplishment. By smashing the tablets, Moses conveyed a timeless truth—G-d can be found not only in the perfection of life but also within its brokenness. This powerful lesson teaches us that our broken places are not voids to be feared but sacred spaces where we can discover deeper, transformative holiness. Takeaways: Holiness in Brokenness: The broken tablets, kept alongside the whole ones in the Ark of the Covenant, symbolize the sacredness found within our imperfections and struggles. The Role of Brokenness in Healing: Moses' breaking of the tablets wasn't an act of anger but the start of a healing process, showing that through repentance and embracing our broken parts, we can forge a new path to G-d. G-d’s Affirmation of Brokenness: G-d's approval of Moses' decision to break the tablets emphasizes that even our most shattered moments hold divine significance. Transformation Through Pain: Our greatest spiritual achievements often emerge not from our perfect moments but from the times we confront and transform our deepest wounds. #Moses #Tablets #brokenness #Healing #Torah #jewish #Judaism #chabad #weeklytorah #bible Join this channel to get access to perks:
The True Cause of Jerusalem’s Downfall: Lessons from History for Today

The True Cause of Jerusalem’s Downfall: Lessons from History for Today

In this sermon, we delve into the real reasons behind the destruction of the Second Temple, as highlighted in the newly released animated movie "Agadat Churban—Legend of Destruction." The movie underscores how internal strife and division among the Jewish people, rather than the might of the Roman Empire, led to Jerusalem’s downfall. By reflecting on the historical infighting and its consequences, we draw essential lessons on unity and the importance of fostering unconditional love within our communities to pave the way for rebuilding the Temple and achieving lasting peace. Takeaways 1. Internal Conflict Led to Destruction: The primary cause of Jerusalem’s downfall was the internal strife and civil war among the Jewish people, which weakened their defense against the Romans. 2. Importance of Unity: The historical lesson emphasizes the need for unity and collaboration among Jewish factions to avoid repeating past mistakes. 3. Senseless Hatred vs. Senseless Love: The destruction of the Temple was attributed to senseless hatred. The antidote, as taught by our sages and reiterated by the Rebbe, is senseless love—unconditional love and support for every Jew, regardless of differences. 4. Spiritual Preparation for Rebuilding the Temple: The path to rebuilding the Temple lies in self-improvement and fostering peace within the Jewish community, rather than focusing solely on physical or technical preparations. 5. Devarim’s Insight on Rest and Inheritance: The book of Devarim highlights the difference between “rest” (Shiloh) and “inheritance” (Jerusalem), suggesting that true divine presence and peace can only be achieved through harmony among the Jewish people. #Jerusalem #TempleDestruction #InternalStrife #Judaism #JewishHistory #JewishIdentity #Senseless #SpiritualPreparation #Devarim #Peace Join this channel to get access to perks:
Why Do I Resent Criticism? Lessons on Self-Esteem | Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon
Finding Gratitude and Consistency: Rabbi Bernath's Sermon for Parshat Pinchas & His Birthday.

Finding Gratitude and Consistency: Rabbi Bernath's Sermon for Parshat Pinchas & His Birthday.

In this special sermon honoring Rabbi Bernath's birthday, he reflects on how we often let minor inconveniences overshadow the immense blessings in our lives. He connects this idea to the significance of the upcoming fast of Shiva Asar b'Tammuz, which marks the beginning of "the Three Weeks," a period of mourning in Jewish history. Through the lens of the Korban Tamid, a daily sacrifice in the Temple, Rabbi Bernath illustrates the importance of consistency and steadfastness in our spiritual practices. He emphasizes that it is the daily, unwavering observance of mitzvot that sustains the Jewish people, much like the Korban Tamid represented the unity and commitment of the Jewish nation. Takeaways Appreciate Minor Inconveniences: Recognize that minor complaints often highlight the privilege of living in a free and prosperous society. Significance of Shiva Asar b'Tammuz: Understand the historical and spiritual importance of this fast day and the tragedies it commemorates. Consistency in Worship: Learn from the Korban Tamid the value of regular, consistent observance of mitzvot, which forms the foundation of Jewish survival. Unity Through Shared Practices: The Korban Tamid, funded by all Jews through the Machtzis HaShekel, symbolizes communal unity and shared responsibility. Everyday Mitzvot Matter: Realize that seemingly mundane religious practices, performed consistently, bring immense pride and joy to G-d. Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win $22k. #gratitude #Consistency #jewish #chabad #judaism #JewishUnity #Mitzvot #SpiritualDiscipline #kabbalah #kabalive #HistoricalReflection #JewishSurvival #CommunalResponsibility Join this channel to get access to perks:
Courage, Honor, and Divine Justice: Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon & Lessons from Israel.

Courage, Honor, and Divine Justice: Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon & Lessons from Israel.

In this sermon, Rabbi Bernath reflects on the tragic yet inspiring story of IDF soldier Yisrael Yudkin, who fell in Gaza during “Operation Iron Swords.” Despite the family's heartbreaking loss, their steadfast determination to honor their son with the traditional Jewish inscription "hy"d" (Hashem yikom damo - May G-d avenge his blood) on his headstone led to a significant change in military cemetery regulations. Rabbi Bernath draws parallels between the Yudkin family's struggle, Moses's hidden fears before confronting Og, and the fearless leadership of the Previous Rebbe under Soviet oppression. These stories underscore the power of unwavering faith, the importance of honoring the fallen, and the necessity of leading with courage and resolve. Takeaways: Steadfast Honor: The Yudkin family’s refusal to compromise on their son’s headstone inscription teaches the importance of honouring the deceased according to cherished traditions, even in the face of bureaucratic obstacles. Faith in Divine Justice: The phrase "Hashem yikom damo" (May G-d avenge his blood) is a profound declaration of faith, entrusting divine justice to uphold the sanctity of life and the Jewish people. Hidden Strength: Moses's silent fear and G-d’s reassurance highlight the significance of inner strength and the understanding that leadership often requires concealing personal fears to bolster communal confidence. Fearless Leadership: The Previous Rebbe’s fearless demeanour in the face of Soviet persecution exemplifies the power of resolute faith and the impact of leading without showing fear, inspiring followers to remain steadfast in their mission. Collective Responsibility: Both the Yudkin family’s public campaign and the Previous Rebbe’s underground efforts demonstrate the collective responsibility to uphold and fight for religious and cultural values, ensuring their preservation for future generations. Divine Mission: When pursuing G-d’s mission, whether in spreading Judaism or upholding justice for the fallen, one must act with unwavering certainty and strength, trusting in divine support for ultimate success The sermon calls upon the community to draw inspiration from these stories, urging them to lead with courage, honor the past, and remain steadfast in their faith, trusting that G-d’s justice and support will prevail. Shabbat Shalom! #IDFsoldier #YisraelYudkin #KfarChabad #Gaza #OperationIronSwords #militarycemetery #MountHerzl #headstoneinscription #hyd #HashemYikomDamo #divinejustice #Jewishtradition #Moses #fear #Og #PreviousRebbe #Sovietoppression #fearlessleadership #faith #divinemission #judaism #jewish Join this channel to get access to perks:


Rabbi Yisroel Bernath frequently hosts Zoom & Facebook Live classes that touch on all aspects of the dating, matchmaking and relationship cycle. He often brings on specialists such as psychologists, therapists and other qualified thought-leaders to add to the conversation. Hundreds tune in and engage in these meaningful discussions. Will he see you at the next one?!

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